Why podcasting is the next big thing, and how can you start your own? Find 11 powerful advantages in this blog!

People nowadays expect a variety of information to meet their wants. Everyone does not have time to read a 6,000-word blog entry. Others prefer a fast video, and podcasting is a terrific method to reach individuals who aren’t sitting in front of a computer. What’s the best part? You don’t have to be a seasoned content developer to understand how to launch a podcast of your own.
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ToggleContrary to written or visual content, podcasts are wonderful to listen to while using a treadmill at the gym, driving to work in the morning, vacuuming with headphones in, and pretty much whenever a listener chooses.
Podcast listening has never been simpler. People can use Bluetooth technology to listen to their cars. Every device comes pre-installed with various apps like Apple Podcast, Google Podcasts, Spotify, e, and subscribing to a podcast merely requires a few clicks. Additionally, it will let users know whenever a fresh episode is available for download and listening.
It’s on-demand. Podcasting is making huge advances of its own, much to how Netflix changed the streaming business.
It’s time for your company to take advantage of that and serve your audience by launching a podcast. This tutorial will cover all you need to know about beginning a podcast for your business, whether your brand is new to it or you’ve had the itch to plunge in but never really got the green light.
Read on to learn more about podcasting. Just so you know, this is a long blog post. I suggest bookmarking it so you may return to it whenever you like.

Perks of Podcasting
Your audience can now be reached in a new way thanks to the world of podcasting. People are addicted to listening to podcasts because they are a convenient and low-effort way to learn new knowledge.
Are you still considering whether to launch a podcast? Have a brief read of these advantages, and then let’s check to see if your opinion has changed.
1. Create a personal bond
Creating a connection with written stuff is different from doing so with visual or audible content. Sure, you could read every one of our blogs and leave comments about how helpful they were, but that “connection” definitely won’t exist. primarily because all you do is read.
We could talk to you more honestly if we were recording a podcast. Every week, you would hear our voice. There would be recurring jokes and motifs, which all contribute to the development of a more intimate bond.
For yours, follow suit. Be approachable to your listeners and viewers so that you can develop a relationship with them. As a result of their loyalty to you, you will eventually sell more things.
An audience can be engaged much more effectively by a voice than by words on a page. That voice fosters trust, and ultimately, it is trust that drives sales of a good or service.
2. It's realistic
You don’t have to worry about your audience is too busy to listen and contribute with podcasting. The best part about podcasts is that viewers can download them and play them back anytime they want. Whatever the activity, listeners can easily consume a podcast episode while driving, working, relaxing, or jogging.
When a new episode is released, listeners who have subscribed to your podcast feed can instantly download it to their devices. It takes far less time than typing in a term to find your blog article or a movie they like online.
3. It is simple to begin
Naturally, you should try to invest more as your podcast gains popularity to improve the quality. However, if you’re just getting started, it’s quite easy to do so. The only equipment you actually need is a PC, laptop, or smartphone, software, and a reliable internet connection.
Later on, we’ll go into more detail about the equipment you’ll need, but the above is an excellent place to start. Press the record button to speak, edit it, and post it on the platform of your choice. Easy.
4. It serves as a substitute for video
It’s no secret that in 2022, your attention should be on video marketing. Who is to say, though, that everyone on your staff will feel at ease filming videos or reels? It might take a while. The appeal of podcasting is that you can produce both audio and video episodes, giving listeners a variety to choose from.
It’s acceptable if you solely provide audio options, similar to what SoundCloud, Spotify, Prime Music, Anchor, etc. do. Your listeners could like such an approach in some cases. However, mixing the two and giving your audience a choice is a fantastic method to get the best of both worlds.
5. Increase the flow of traffic
As it increases familiarity, podcasting, like any other form of content, can help you expand your business’s audience. Most listeners subscribe to a podcast they enjoy so they can access it frequently.
Your audience is likely to keep listening if you are consistent.
Your devoted listeners may then spread the word about your podcast to their friends. As a result, it broadens your audience and may also quickly boost traffic and lead generation.
6. Boost conversion
Although it may seem surprising given that podcasts are a one-sided medium, they can assist you to increase conversion. By consistently producing podcasts, you may establish meaningful connections with your audience and give them the impression that you are a familiar face.
People frequently tune in to podcasts because they connect with the host or the company in some way. Good relationships foster trust, which makes listeners want to be linked with you.
Conversion rates increase when listeners view you as a friend rather than a stranger since they are more inclined to make a purchase from you.
7. They are quite captivating.
Your audience could easily become disoriented due to the abundance of information available online. On the internet, there is a lot of textual content, so audio content is a welcome contrast. Additionally, it gives you the space you need to express your ideas in a way that is extremely interactive—something that textual content might not always do.
According to a poll of 300,000 podcast listeners, 63% of respondents had purchased a product that a host had recommended on their program. The same survey also showed that 63% of respondents would think about purchasing a new good or service advertised on a podcast they are currently listening to, and 71% stated they would visit a sponsor’s website.
8. Increase your brand's authority
It doesn’t matter if you develop a podcast first in your business or if you’re only the most recent company to do so. You may increase your authority by listening to podcasts. You become the go-to person listeners want to hear from and interact with when you provide more methods for them to consume your content and hear from the subject matter experts on your team.
When you combine your podcasting efforts with audio, video, and a dedicated blog post, you’ve covered all the necessary ground to position yourself as the authority.
9. It might provide an additional source of income.
You’ll discover that podcasting is enjoyable and that you love doing it once you get started. However, if you’re successful and consistently release interesting episodes, it’s also a good opportunity to generate some extra revenue for your company.
The Interactive Advertising Bureau estimates that this year’s sector revenue will exceed £500 million due to the size of the podcasting market.
You’ll advance more quickly the more consistent you are. Your chances of finding ways to monetize your episodes through sponsored content, affiliate marketing, and other methods increase as your podcast gains popularity.
Although it’s not a given right away, it is unquestionably a possibility in the future.
10. Enormous brand recognition
There are numerous podcast directories where users may search for topics and industries that interest them in addition to appearing on Google. It’s a good start if you are where people are looking.
The wonderful thing about podcasting is that branding can be done in a very subtle way. If you’re making a video podcast, your logo will be on the video and the artwork. Since podcasting isn’t a sales tool, you’ll probably include your company name in the introduction and outro. This will help listeners remember you without feeling like they’re being sold to.
11. You can repurpose them.
It doesn’t have to be the end every time you produce a new episode for your podcast. The work you put in can be put to use in a variety of ways, such as by producing reels for social media, posting them in your Facebook group, or categorizing the clips and uploading them to YouTube Shorts or even Instagram Reels.
There are many methods to reuse them and reach larger audiences, whatever you choose to do.
We can understand why you might consider podcasts a nice-to-have rather than a necessary component of your content strategy. But with inbound marketing, the customers are in charge, thus we as marketers must meet their wants.

How to launch a podcast?
The podcasting industry has a lot of untapped potential. There are over thousands of podcasts available on various platforms, compared to over 600 million blogs and over 31 million YouTube channels. Here is a thorough explanation of how to get going since there is a gap to plug in this space.
Finish the concept.
Goals: Consider your podcast’s topic and the primary motivations for creating it long before you hit record. This can assist you in putting the finishing touches on your objectives, which could range from producing leads for your company to being recognized as an industry leader or simply for fun.
Theme: Decide on the theme or topic for your podcast. Whatever topic you decide on, make sure you are an authority on it and are passionate about it since your audience will be able to tell how knowledgeable and fired up you are about it. Find out whether there are any podcasts in your genre by doing some research on podcast directories.
If so, pay attention to a few to gain a sense of what they do well, how they could improve, and what you would change. Whether you believe you can improve upon it or add something new, see if there is enough for you to discuss. Before committing, try to come up with 15 or 20 distinct episodes to make sure you have enough to talk about and won’t run out of topics.
Name and description: Choosing a name for your podcast is a crucial next step. Ascertain that it will rank for the important keywords you are seeking and be memorable and catchy. Instead of regretting your decision later, it is a good idea to come up with a few possible names. Your title should be specific, according to Apple’s best practices guide, which also mentions the fact that search engines use the title, author, and description fields.
Oh, and refrain from stuffing keywords into your title. Even though you want to make it simple for visitors to find you, it’s a better idea to include a brief explanation in the title tag to aid search results.
Include as many relevant keywords as you like in the description of your podcast without going overboard. As many listeners will likely find your podcast through a search, this helps with SEO.
Categories: Wherever you broadcast your company’s podcast, you can choose from a wide variety of categories and subcategories. If you can’t locate the precise one you want, don’t worry about it; just pick one that best fits your theme. Examine other podcasts that are comparable to yours to see which category or subcategory they have chosen.
Artwork: You can discover a lot of advice for your artwork online. It does make sense to develop your artwork during the planning stages, but since the podcast for your company is new, you might need to make some minor adjustments. Changing names and descriptions are quite simple, but until you settle on one style, changing it frequently can be a pain unless you have an in-house designer or you pay for this service.
Create one if you’re satisfied with it or if you don’t mind making adjustments. It wouldn’t be a good idea to completely ignore this, as the podcasts with the most eye-catching artwork tend to look the best.
Select a format.
Format: There is no right or wrong solution when choosing a format. Simply put, it depends on the subject of your podcast. Some are best suited for a single host, while others are better suited for numerous persons present at once or in interviews. Depending on the subject matter of each episode, you could even adopt a hybrid.
Podcast length: Nobody has the right to dictate the duration of a podcast. While some studies have revealed that the typical episode lasts just under 42 minutes, others contend that episodes should be shorter to keep viewers interested. Additionally, it depends on the subject of each episode, the guests you interview, and how frequently you publish new episodes.
It’s improbable that you can cover everything in a 10-minute episode if you upload once a month and have a lot to say about a prominent sector. Look about you to see what other people are doing. While most podcasts range between 20 and 30 minutes, some, like Joe Rogan’s, go on for hours.
Again, make sure to generate fragments of your episodes to make the audio content easier to consume.
Schedule: Launching a podcast for your company requires a significant time investment if you want it to be successful. You can choose to release one episode every day, a handful every week, or perhaps several times every month. In either case, being consistent is essential since it fosters a relationship with your audience.
They will include your podcast in their routine once they are aware of your schedule and are certain that you will upload on time, which will deepen your relationship with them. It’s also an excellent way for you to develop a habit. When you make recording them a habit and part of your schedule, it will help you expand your brand even more. Recording them on a whim can demotivate you.
Producing the business podcast.
Everything comes to life throughout the recording and editing processes. Don’t give up now, even though the process may seem tedious. Even though it’s simple to lose motivation when things get complicated or technical, the work will pay off once your company starts to experience the benefits.
Even some of the best podcasts have a few weak episodes in the beginning. You might be a natural and get off to a good start, but if you need to adjust or find your feet, use that to improve your next episode. You’ll get better the more podcast episodes you produce for your company.
Make sure you have a plan before you start recording. This does not imply that you should give everyone a script to follow verbatim. Instead, you might think about creating a topic outline and sharing it with the appropriate parties so they are at least somewhat prepared for the chat.
Record in a room that has excellent acoustics and silence because listeners’ satisfaction with the audio quality will determine whether or not they subscribe. If you have an XLR or a USB microphone, make sure the settings are set correctly as well.
- USB: Connect directly to a USB port and choose it in your editing program’s audio input.
- XLR: Connect your XLR microphone to an external audio recorder that records everything to an SD card.
Once everything is ready, ease up and start the recording. If your business podcast is a little more laid back, there’s no harm in revealing you’re human on camera while having a drink rather than trying to make it too flawless. It’s helpful to keep a glass of water or any other drink within arm’s length in case your mouth gets a little dry.
Editing to bring everything together.
It’s time to finish all of your hard work. If you employ a full-time editor, they will be familiar with all aspects of editing. If hiring someone full-time in this position is not an option and you are trying out on your own, the tips below will help.
- If you keep your tracks separate, you can edit each track, change the level, silence the speakers, and fix other errors. It simply makes editing much easier moving forward.
- Another helpful suggestion is to alter the content for your initial pass and then go back and fix any distractions and noise concerns. When you have a second attempt at editing, it will help you stay concentrated and provide you the opportunity to only search for audio problems.
- Use the fade tool to eliminate extra noise if your finished audio contains a few tiny pops or clicks.
- Find some jingles or music for your podcast’s intro to finish it off. The drawback of using royalty-free music is that it may have already been used by other companies for their podcasts, so if you want something a little more unique, consider buying a track for your intro.
- When your episode is prepared, save it, export it in the appropriate format, and you’re all set.
This is obviously only a brief overview of the podcast editing procedure. Much more is processed during the editing, exporting, and uploading stages. Consider which platforms would be best for publishing your podcasts. Consider the minor yet crucial details like ID3 tags, show notes, and publishing to directories and platforms like Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and many others.
The actual marketing of your podcast comes next. Generating content for each new episode of your company’s podcast, starting a blog about its introduction, and, if you have a Facebook group, posting it there. It’s a good idea to promote your podcast wherever that isn’t spammy.
Hopefully, you have the resources and guidance needed to begin. We’ll grant that it’s a lot to process and would probably be difficult to try to complete everything on your own. Because there is a market for podcasts, your company must provide what your customers want.
Reach your destination with our assistance.
Alrighty roo, this blog turned out to be long. We were hoping to make it a shorter one, but there are a lot of things to cover. RiffScript, the best digital marketing agency in Vadodara, provides distinctive services to draw in your target market and establish brand authority. Together, we’ll strategize how to achieve your objectives and provide your audience with exactly what they want.